News Digest: Expected Staffing Hours Change for Five Star Ratings
The end of RUGS-IV (MDS’ Section G) on October 1, 2023 necessitates a change to how CMS calculates “Expected Nursing Hours” – now called Case-Mix Hours – for the Staffing Five Star rating. The early 2000’s STRIVE study for each of the 66 RUGS-IV categories are being replaced by 25 PDPM categories.
In addition, prior exceptions for reporting issues that allowed a recalculation are no longer available. Instead, facilities will be scored with the lowest possible points on the three turnover measures when the facility failed to submit or submitted invalid PBJ data for one or more of the quarters used to calculate the turnover measures.

Updates to Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures
QSO-23-21-NH memorandum includes these changes:
Adjustment to Staffing and Quality Measures: CMS will update the staffing level case-mix adjustment methodology and replace some of the Quality Measures (QMs) used on Nursing Home Care Compare, in order to accommodate changes to the Minimum Data Set (MDS). Additionally, CMS will discontinue the CMS-672 form since the section G MDS data, used to populate this form, is being eliminated.
Penalty for Providers that Fail to Submit Staffing Data: To incentivize providers to submit accurate staffing data, CMS will revise the staffing rating methodology so providers that fail to submit staffing data or submit erroneous data receive the lowest score possible for corresponding staffing turnover measures.
Updates to Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures | CMS.

CMS Updates Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures
This week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released QSO-23-21-NH regarding updates coming in April 2024 to Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures. The updates accommodate previously announced changes to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) taking place October 1, 2023. This includes changes to the staffing level case-mix adjustment methodology from RUG-IV to PDPM. Additionally, CMS announced it will be removing the CMS-672 form (Resident Census and Conditions of Residents).
Other changes include:
Hunt, Hawley. CMS Updates Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures.

CMS Posts Updates to Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has posted memo QSO-23-21-NH describing updates to the staffing level case-mix adjustment methodology and quality measures used in the Nursing Home Care Compare Five Star Quality Rating System. These updates are in order to accommodate changes to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) that will take effect October 1, 2023. Additionally, CMS will be discontinuing the CMS-672 form and transferring the non-MDS-related items (e.g., census information) to the CMS-671 form. Please review the memo for more details.
CMS Posts Updates to Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures | AMDA | the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine.

CMS Outlines Changes Coming to Staffing and Quality Measures
CMS has announced changes to the staffing and quality measures displayed on Nursing Home Care Compare based on October 1 updates to the Minimum Data Set. CMS has also outlined a new scoring policy to be applied to providers that fail to submit accurate or complete staffing data.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released memo QSO-23-21-NH on September 20, 2023, outlining changes coming to the staffing and quality measures displayed on Nursing Home Care Compare. With the October 1 implementation of the updated Minimum Data Set (MDS), CMS will transition the case mix methodology used for Care Compare measures from RUGS-IV to a PDPM-based model. This transition impacts staffing level measures and four quality measures:
LeadingAge. “CMS Outlines Changes Coming to Staffing and Quality Measures.” LeadingAge, 26 Sept. 2023,

CMS Updates Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures
This week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released QSO-23-21-NH regarding updates coming in April 2024 to Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures. The updates accommodate previously announced changes to the Minimum Data Set (MDS) taking place October 1, 2023. This includes changes to the staffing level case-mix adjustment methodology from RUG-IV to PDPM. Additionally, CMS announced it will be removing the CMS-672 form (Resident Census and Conditions of Residents).
Other changes include:
“CMS Updates Nursing Home Care Compare Staffing and Quality Measures – IHCA.” IHCA, 26 Sept. 2023,
Related CMS and PBJ Resources
To learn more about the details, policies and information in these articles, please review these CMS and PBJ publications.

QSO Memo 23-21-NH

Technical Users' Guide
September 2023