PUBLISHED: April 27, 2016
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The second PBJ FAQ document was published April 27, 2016 just two months before the new PBJ reporting requirement began July 1, 2016.
This FAQ added five new questions, removed one and modified four previously answered questions. New concepts included:
- Removal of lunch hours from reported paid and worked hours
- Confirmation of which providers are required to comply with PBJ rules and that it does not apply to swing beds
- Added flexibility in reporting on staff who perform multiple roles
- Clarified that practioner hours billed to Medicare directly or other payers cannot be reported in PBJ
- Introduced methods to report Therapist hours for different scenarios
- Removed requirement to report Laboratory and Radiology staff, making it optional
- Created a method to report extra hours worked by salaried staff beyond their salaried duties
- Defined how to report hours for shifts occuring in two calendar days (crossing midnight).
- Removed the part-time vs full-time guidance from the prior FAQ document