Published: August 3, 2020
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Nurse staffing is a key contributor to the quality of care provided in nursing homes. This review, initiated before the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, focuses on staffing data from 2018. However, the 2020 pandemic reinforces the importance of adequate staffing for nursing homes, as inadequate staffing can make it more difficult for nursing homes to respond to infectious disease outbreaks like COVID-19.
We analyzed nursing homes’ 2018 daily staffing data from the PBJ. We determined how frequently nursing homes reported daily staffing levels below federally required levels in 2018 and identified quarterly trends. We compared nursing homes’ quarterly Staffing Star Ratings to their daily staffing levels. To discuss residents’ experiences with daily fluctuations in nurse staffing, we electronically surveyed 20 Local Long-Term Care Ombudsmen.
Office of the Inspector General. “Some Nursing Homes’ Reported Staffing Levels in 2018 Raise Concerns; Consumer Transparency Could Be Increased” Department of Health and Human Services, OEI-04-18-00450. 3 August 2020.