Tips for the PBJ pro — Top 5 PBJ Mistakes

Jan 13, 2021 | Rules for PBJ Reporting

Tips for the PBJ pro – Top 5 PBJ Mistakes

Hard to believe that 12 quarters (3 years!) of PBJ data submission are under our belts. We’re often asked, “What are the biggest mistakes facilities make when completing their PBJ reports?” Here are the top 5 — based on thousands of facility implementations, consultations, and audit reviews. 

  1. Not removing meal breaks for all employees
  2. Submitting overnight hours by shift start or end date




January 13, 2021


Feige, Jenn. “Tips for the PBJ pro — Get Ready for the Feb. 14 Deadline!” SimpleLTC, 13 Jan. 2021,

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A: The Total Nursing Hours Per Resident Day Measure uses auditable electronic data reported to the Payroll-Based Journal system to calculate total nursing hours per resident day. It is one of two new measures that will begin affecting payments in the FY 2026 SNF VBP program year, the other being SNF Healthcare Associated Infections Requiring Hospitalization.

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CMS offers leniency to Kronos users impacted by ransomware attack

Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG), a software used by SNFs for PBJ submission, was the victim of a ransomware attack on December 11, 2021. CMS announced it will not downgrade affected facilities that miss the February 14, 2022 PBJ submission deadline or submit incomplete information.

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Importance of the human touch

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5 Star, QMs, and PBJ Data Updates

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CMS UPDATE: Q2 2020 optional PBJ data due November 14

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New Q2 Deadline: CMS has established November 14, 2020 as the new deadline for the Q2 2020 data.

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CMS announces end of emergency blanket data waiver for nursing homes

Federal officials said Friday that they are ending an emergency blanket waiver intended to reduce administrative burden on nursing homes amid the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) said that effective August 14, nursing homes nationwide will again be required to submit staffing data through the Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) system, which allows the agency to collect “staffing information which impacts the quality of care residents receive,” CMS said in a press release.

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Things to remember when submitting PBJ data

CMS will provide further information as soon as possible but are encouraging facilities to still report data as they are able. There will be no penalties or negative impacts to staffing ratings for not submitting by May 15.

As facilities work to gather the necessary information, here are some reminders to help perform a successful submission:

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PBJ update: Goodbye, self-reported census!

When CMS first implemented PBJ, facilities self-reported their census data for Five-Star staffing calculations. Since April 2018, CMS has automatically calculated the census instead. While facilities could still report their census, CMS did not use the data in its Five-Star staffing calculations.

A January 9 update to PBJ Data Submission Specifications now states CMS will no longer accept any census data in PBJ file submissions.

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